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GoDaddy's Path to Prosperity: Starboard Value's Strategic Roadmap By Cutting Down Cost

Starboard value's-strategic- roadmap-by-cutting down-cost

In a bold move, Starboard Value, a major investor in GoDaddy (NYSE: GDDY), has voiced concerns about the company's financial performance and urged it to consider a potential sale if improvements are not made. With a substantial 7.8% ownership stake, Starboard believes GoDaddy is deeply undervalued and needs a strategic shift to unlock its true potential.

Investor's Call for Change

Starboard's call for change is a wake-up call for GoDaddy as it highlights significant discrepancies between the company's performance and its Investor Day forecasts. In this article, we delve into Starboard's key points and their recommendations for GoDaddy's future.

Chasing Elusive Revenue Growth

GoDaddy's reliance on revenue acceleration as a means to achieve profitability has proven to be challenging. Starboard points out that sustained revenue growth has been elusive for the company.

Cutting Costs for Improved Margins

To boost profitability, Starboard suggests that GoDaddy should focus on cost reduction, particularly in the Technology & Development expenses segment. Over the last five years, these expenses have grown at a staggering 16% compound annual growth rate (CAGR), outpacing the 11% revenue growth rate.

The Technology & Development Dilemma

The heart of the issue lies in GoDaddy's Technology & Development expenses, which reached a staggering $800 million last year. Starboard argues that given the maturity of GoDaddy's Core Platform segment, which includes domain registration and hosting, such high engineering and development expenses are unwarranted.

Starboard's Ongoing Board Seat Requests

Starboard Value has persistently sought direct representation on GoDaddy's board, but the company has consistently denied these requests. This raises questions about corporate governance and shareholder engagement.

Evaluating the Market Response

 market has already reacted to Starboard's statements, with GoDaddy's shares seeing a slight increase. We analyze the potential implications of this response.


In conclusion, Starboard Value's call for change at GoDaddy underscores the need for the company to reassess its strategy. To thrive in a competitive landscape, GoDaddy must address the challenges of revenue growth and cost management. Whether the company heeds Starboard's advice or not, this development will undoubtedly shape GoDaddy's future trajectory in the web services industry.

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